Sunday, July 12, 2009

Prep Course 1: Key Recognitions

Anticipation and Expectation Exercise

A. What are the five things that I am most looking forward to about studying abroad?

  1. Exploring a whole new cultural environment
  2. Learning and speaking Mandarin and Cantonese
  3. Meeting new people on campus and off campus
  4. Getting involved with basketball and tennis and Kowloon International Baptist Church
  5. Gaining so much experience and having a credible global perspective

B. What are the five things that currently worry me most about going overseas?

  1. Finances - not having a job and being on a limited budget
  2. Not having an accountability partner to help encourage me in my walk with Christ
  3. Knowing that my family is probably worried about me
  4. Struggling to make good grades in class
  5. Being persecuted for my faith as a Christian

C. What are the five things (people, places, activities, etc.) I believe I will miss most from home when abroad?

  1. Family and friends
  2. Georgetown College
  3. Fudge (my dog)
  4. Food selection
  5. Having a comfortable home

D. What are the five things (people, places, activities, etc.) I believe I will miss least from home when abroad?

  1. Working full time
  2. Paying for gas
  3. Telling people about my study abroad plans!
  4. The English language
  5. Going through the motions

E. My greatest single challenge overseas will be: patience and perseverance

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